ALTERTRIP IPA Interreg Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020, Project Promotion at the 35th Anniversary of MOBILNOST Bitola
The Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities of Bitola, Demir Hisar and Resen – MOBILNOST Bitola, the 3rd project beneficiary in the project “Alternative Touristic Experience – ALTER TRIP”, on 17 December 2022 celebrated its 35th anniversary. The event took place in the sports hall of the Union of Disability Organizations in the Center for Social Affairs – Bitola, and was attended by members of MOBILNOST Bitola from all three municipalities it covers, as well as its friends and supporters, who were awarded with plaques for their work with and for the association.
The main part of the event was the promotion of the ALTER TRIP Project, its objectives, activities and expected results. The presentation of the project manager Ivona Jankova included the three studies regarding the legal framework, current accessible tourism services in the Pelagonia region and the recommendations on how to improve accessibility, and the results of the recently promoted ICT tools for accessible tourism that will help tourists with disabilities experience our rich cultural heritage. The conclusion of this presentation was that “two heads think better than one”, i.e. we can achieve our goals if we work together, and that collaboration with experts is crucial in the multidisciplinary approach to find solutions for every challenge.
The event was covered by multiple local and national media, news outlets, etc. ALTER TRIP is funded by the IPA INTERREG CBC Programme “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020”.